Over 30,000 skilled and carefully vetted caregivers
Get matched within 48 hours - no match, no fee
Free consultation for tailored guidance on care arrangements
Immediate response during business hours!
"Evercare is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care for their customers"
Over 20,000 skilled and carefully vetted caregivers
Get matched within 48 hours - no match, no fee
Free consultation for tailored guidance on care arrangements
Immediate response during business hours!
"Evercare is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care for their customers"
Each client gets a dedicated Care Manager who listens, understands, and treats you like family. Say goodbye to the headache of arranging care —we’ve got you covered.
Review the profiles and skills of our carefully selected caregivers before service. We're flexible - you can always change caregivers or stay with one that suits you best!
Unlike domestic helpers, our caregivers are skilled professionals. They bring medical expertise and compassion to every visit, ensuring your family's needs are put first.
Each client gets a dedicated Care Manager who listens, understands, and treats you like family. Say goodbye to the headache of arranging care —we’ve got you covered.
Review the profiles and skills of our carefully selected caregivers before service. We're flexible - you can always change caregivers or stay with one that suits you best!
Fill in the form and our care specialists will reach out within 24 hours. Once we get a better understanding of your needs, we can start finding caregivers to look after your loved ones.
Below are common ways to arrange elderly care services. Prices are for reference, please contact us for a personalised care plan.
Service Frequency
4 times/month, 8 hours/day
Patient Needs
Daily activities support
Bathing, diapering
Medication administration
Service Frequency
20 times/month, 8 hours/day
Patient Needs
Daily activities support
Medical escort
Lifting, fall prevention
Exercise & stretching
Service Frequency
30 times/month, 24 hours/day
HCW / Nurse
Patient Needs
Post-surgery care
Monitor vital signs
Tube feeding
Wound care
*Based on 12-hours of Health Care Worker services
“ Without Evercare's support, my father-in-law wouldn't have been able to walk again.”
Evercare Home Care Client
Home Care Client
“Without Evercare's support, my father-in-law wouldn't have been able to walk again.”
Tell us more about your needs. No obligations, no charges, no commitments.
Professional caregivers are necessary for elderlies because they have the training and medical experience to help enhance your loved one's quality of life. Compared to domestic helpers, they can effectively manage chronic health conditions (e.g diabetes, stroke) and facilitate quicker recovery outcomes.
Elderly care is charged at an hourly rate and can include additional charges for night shifts. Rates depend on the rank of care professional required. . For example, hiring a Health Care Worker for 12 hours costs $118/hour. Please see our pricing details to learn more.
Some may associate a private nurse or health care worker with being costly. However, we can provide service plans tailored to the specific needs of elderly individuals. Whether it's short-term or long-term care, we prioritise your family's well-being and work within your financial budget.
Yes, elderly care can be provided in your home. The comfort, familiarity and attention from in-home care cannot be replicated in a facility. Over 90% of Hong Kong’s elders do not see nursing homes as a part of their future, and we want to turn this into reality for them.
At Evercare, you can be sure that every member of your team – whether nurse, physiotherapist, speech therapist, occupational therapist or wound care specialist – is highly trained, trustworthy and professional. Every member of your team has been interviewed and screened. They offer a level of skill that comes only with experience, and compassion that comes with true caring.
The type of care professional you hire will vary depending on the needs of the elderly. Nurses handle more specialised and medical tasks like stoma care and wound dressing, whereas a health care worker provides more general caregiving in the form of daily assistance and companionship.
During the initial consultation, our care specialist will suggest the appropriate level of care. If you would like to learn more about the differences between each rank, check out this article.
Apart from general caregiving tasks, our nurses can help prepare simple meals, provide medical attention and specialised services such as stoma care, wound dressing and monitoring of vital signs. Unfortunately, they will not be able to take care of other household chores.
Give us a call at 3905 4000 or WhatsApp your Evercare Care Manager. We can discuss what aspects of the care you want changed so we can provide you with a more appropriate match.
Find affordable, quality care through a government-subsidised care scheme.
Ensure reliable staffing and deliver the highest standards of care to your patients.
Enjoy flexible work opportunities, competitive benefits, and the chance to make a meaningful difference in lives
Phone: 3905 4000
9883 3490
[email protected]
Employment Agency License No: 66596
Office Hours: Mon-Sun, 8:00am - 9:00pm