

Clock in & OUT

We want to pay you fairly, accurately, and on time for every hour you work. Starting from June 1, 2022, your pay per shift will be calculated according to the times that you have clocked in and clocked out from our app. 

  • Why do I need to clock-in?

    Our caregivers work hard, and it is important to us that we pay them fairly and protect their interests. 

    The clock-in function in the app helps keep an accurate record of caregiver working hours that is used for calculating caregiver payment. 

    We understand that some clients already have their own attendance record. Caregivers must still clock-in using the Evercare app to ensure timely and accurate payment.

  • How is correct clock-in/clock-out defined?

    1. Caregivers must clock-in and out within 15 minutes of the start of their shift. For example, if the shift duration is 8am-5pm, the Caregiver must clock-in between 7:45am-8:15am, and clock out between 4:45pm-5:15pm.
    2. Caregivers must turn on their GPS and be within 1km of the job location at time of clock-in and clock out.
    3. The time of clock-in/ clock-out is determined by the timestamp on the Evercare Caregiver app.

  • How is my payment calculated according to clock-in/out?

    Payment will be calculated according to clock-in and clock-out time. For example, a caregiver who clocks in at 1PM and clocks out at 5PM will be paid for 4 hours of work. 


    1. If for a given shift, a caregiver has clocked in late by more than 15 minutes, CG will forfeit pay for the first 30 minutes. This applies to the successive 30 minutes that follows (i.e. if a caregiver is late by 46 minutes, he/she will forfeit payment for the first hour).
    2. A caregiver reserves the right to contest payment, which is shown in the wallet page right after a caregiver has clocked out, via a button in the wallet page. Evercare reserves the right to verify with the client on actual clock-in and out times in the event of a dispute.

  • How do I clock-in at the start of my shift?

    We will send notification reminders a) 24 hours and b) 30 mins before the start of a shift to remind you to attend the shift.

    1. Before or at the start of the shift, click into your shift on the “Schedule” page.
    2. You will see the shift that you are about to start. Click “Start Shift”. 
    3. To accurately reflect that you have arrived at the work location, please enable location services while using the app.
    4. If this is your first time using the Evercare Caregiver app to clock-in, you will be asked for permission to access GPS services. Click “Allow while using app”.
    5. You will receive a notification that you have successfully clocked in. 

    For more instructions, check out our tutorial on YouTube: https://youtu.be/-2g3YDXt6nA

  • How do I clock-out from work? (Homecare)

    1. At the end of your shift, go to the “Schedule” page of the App. 
    2. Select the date of your shift. Your shift will appear at the bottom half of your screen. 
    3. Click “Complete shift”. 
    4. You will be requested to write Care Notes. Please note that you will only be able to view and receive payment after completing this step. 
    5. Follow the instructions to fill in your Care Notes. 
    6. Tap “Finish” to finish your clock-out process.
    7. You should receive a notification that you have successfully completed your shift. 

    Check out our tutorial on YouTube: https://youtu.be/aueBZxxZ-dk

  • How do I clock-out from work? (Staffing)

    1. At the end of your shift, go to the “Schedule” page of the App. 
    2. Select the date of your shift. Your shift will appear at the bottom half of your screen. 
    3. Click “Complete shift”. 
    4. You should receive a notification that you have successfully completed your shift. 
  • What should I do if I am late to clock-in or clock-out?

    Although you are highly encouraged to clock-in/out punctually, the app will allow you to clock-in or clock-oIf you clock-in late to your shift, you must contest your clock-in time through the app with 48 hours of shift end time. To learn how to contest your clock-in time, check out our tutorial here:https://youtu.be/c2GRg1RBEz8 

     *Please note that we will confirm with your client before your request is approved. 

    ut late. Even if you are late to perform this function, you should still do so as soon as possible to ensure that we can accurately record your attendance for your shift. The service fee of this shift will not be credited to your wallet unless you clock-in/out of your shift. 

  • What should i do if i am requested to work overtime?

    If you have worked overtime for 15 minutes and above, you may apply for an overtime fee in-app within 48 hours of shift end time. To learn how to request overtime, check out our tutorial here: https://youtu.be/fKkqbmm-ysY

    *Please note that we will confirm with your client before your request is approved. 

  • Can I restrict the App from accessing my location?

    To accurately track your attendance, we would strongly recommend for you to enable location services while using the App. This option will not allow for the App to access your location when you are not using the App.

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