What You Need to Know About the Hong Kong-Singapore Travel Bubble (Latest updates made on 27/11/2020)

On 11th November, the HKSAR government confirmed the details of the Hong Kong-Singapore travel bubble scheme. Read our summary here to find out how you can travel, what type of testing is required and how to participate in the scheme as quickly as possible.


1. What is a travel bubble?

A travel bubble involves two or more countries agreeing to open their borders for each other to allow air, sea and / or land travel. The arrangement exempts travellers from a mandatory 14-day quarantine, but is done so on the grounds of good public health and mutual agreements. This exemption is not to be made with any other country in the aim of lowering the international spread of COVID-19 and special travel arrangements are made for passengers within the travel bubble areas.

2. Am I eligible to participate in the travel bubble programme?

Regardless of nationality, anyone who is currently in Singapore or Hong Kong travel within the bubble. Eligible participants must:

  • not have visited any country other than Singapore and Hong Kong in the 14 days prior to departure
  • test for COVID-19 within a government accredited lab within 72 hours before the flight
  • receive a negative result for their test
  • arrive at their destination via flights set only for the travel bubble

3. What do I have to prepare before using the travel bubble?

Travellers using the travel bubble have to prepare the following documents in advance to ensure smooth and efficient travel:

  1. Visa (if needed): Travellers should make sure they have enough time to apply for the visa they need and ultimately meet all visa requirements.
  2. Air Travel Pass: All travellers who are not Singaporean citizens, permanent residents or holders of the long term pass are required to present an Air Travel Pass, which can be applied for 7-30 days before departure.
  3. Negative PCR Test Result: Travellers must show a negative result for a COVID-19 PCR test that is accredited by both governments. The test should be done within 72 hours before the flight and travellers must bring the lab report with them to the airport. Click here to get your test now.
  4. TraceTogether Smartphone App: Travellers must download the TraceTogether app before their flight so they can use it immediately when they land. The app functions on Bluetooth only and helps track who you have been in contact or in close proximity with. 
  5. SG Arrival Card: Travellers should complete and submit the digital SG Arrival Card online 3 days before departure.

4. How will the Hong Kong-Singapore travel bubble run and what are its COVID-19 testing requirements?

Special flight arrangements:

Travellers using the travel bubble may use flights operated by Cathay Pacific or Singapore Airlines that have been specifically set for this programme. These flights only fly between Hong Kong and Singapore to meet the requirements of the travel bubble.

From 22nd November to 6th December, the government will arrange two flights going from Hong Kong to Singapore and vice versa per day, with each flight carrying 200 passengers. From 7th December onwards, the aim is to increase the route to four flights a day, totaling to 800 passengers per day. After landing in Singapore, all travellers should open the TraceTogether app on their smartphones to ensure efficient and effective tracing of COVID-19 cases.

COVID-19 PCR Testing Requirements:

When travelling between the two countries, travellers must do a government-accredited PCR test 72 hours before flying, and be able to show a negative result.Click here to get your test now. If a traveller is flying from Hong Kong to Singapore, there is no need for them to do another test when they land. However, those flying from Singapore to Hong Kong will have to do a COVID-19 test at the airport and wait for results before they can leave.

Those returning to Hong Kong from Singapore must complete the Department of Health’s “Health & Quarantine Information Declaration” and save the QR code given at the end of the form for use at the Hong Kong airport. Returning Hong Kong people will also have to book a PCR test in advance and pass through the dedicated channel for travel bubble users to get to the testing station. They will be allowed to leave the airport once a negative test result is confirmed.

5. When will the travel bubble be implemented?

The Hong Kong-Singapore travel bubble scheme is confirmed to start on the 22nd November, 2020. 

Whether the scheme will continue to run is subject to constant review. If untraceable cases in Hong Kong or Singapore reach a 7-day average of over 5 cases, then the travel bubble will be suspended 2 days later, and the suspension will last 2 weeks. If the average untraceable daily cases return to the level of below 5 by the end of the 2 weeks, then the travel bubble arrangement may resume.

6. What is the difference between a travel bubble and a travel corridor?

The main difference between a “travel bubble” and a “travel corridor” is the method of travel between the countries involved. A travel corridor is used mainly between countries not connected by land. The UK is the first to implement a travel corridor.

The UK first announced a travel corridor list in July, which includes Hong Kong, Finland, Australia, Sweden and more, with Cuba as one of its newest additions. Travellers entering the UK from these countries are exempt from a mandatory 14-day quarantine. The UK government will assess the situation of COVID-19 in each country to decide which countries should be added or removed from the list.

Since August, the UK has removed countries such as France, the Netherlands, Croatia, Trinidad and Tobago and Austria from their travel corridor. Various British higher education institutions have also made changes to their teaching arrangements based on these shifts. Click here to get your test now.

7. Latest Updates

23/11/2020: The launch of the Hong Kong-Singapore travel bubble will be postponed by two weeks due an increase in number of cases in Hong Kong.

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