Home Care Subsidy Updates and What it Means for Family Caregivers

From October 2020, the Social Welfare Department’s care subsidy scheme, Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly (CCSV), will be moving into its 3rd phase. What are the differences between the 2nd and 3rd phase? How will the launch affect existing CCSV users? We have all your questions answered here.


What is CCSV?

The Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly (CCSV) is a major government scheme to help the elderly community of Hong Kong “age in place”. The scheme seeks to directly subsidise private healthcare services, enabling the elderly population to continue to age in the comfort of their own home and select services that are appropriate to their healthcare needs.

Why age in place? 

According to a 2009 survey, over 95% of elderly respondents expressed never having considered moving to a nursing home – including 81.4% of them preferring to remain in their own home, regardless of their health condition. With a majority expressing the desire to age in place, the Hong Kong government has put in place a program to make various private healthcare services accessible to the majority, such as physical assistance, daily check ups and caregiving help.

The Social Welfare Department and local home care service providers such as Evercare have been collaborating to make private home care and healthcare services more affordable. Covering up to 90% of the cost, and with its eligibility criteria slowly loosening since its launch in 2013, the scheme looks to increase the number of families who can benefit from the subsidies, with an aim to achieve “ageing in place as the core, institutional care as back-up” instead of vice-versa.

1. Eligibility for the CCSV Scheme

  • Senior may participate in the scheme if they have already applied to be on the Central Waiting List by the end of March, 2019, and is queuing for community care services and/ or residential care services
  • If the senior has been assessed to have moderate or severe physical impairment, such as physical disability (for instance, mobility issues caused by stroke) or memory loss due to deteriorating cognitive function 
  • If the senior has never used residential services or community care services

  • As long as the applicant is on the Central Waiting List, queuing for residential care services, they may participate in the scheme
  • If the senior has been assessed to have moderate or severe physical impairment, such as physical disability (for instance, mobility issues caused by stroke) or memory loss due to deteriorating cognitive function 
  • If the senior has never used residential services or community care services

2. CCSV Registration Process

Similar to phase 2, families who wish to join phase 3 of CCSV must visit a Medical Social Service Unit, their local Integrated Family Services Centre or the Elderly Services Unit to apply for the scheme. Staff members at any of these centres will do a Standardised Care Needs Assessment for the senior, which will include a home visit and an interview. Seniors who pass the assessment will receive an invitation letter from the SWD to participate in the CCSV scheme. Carers and seniors should fill out the relevant paperwork, after which they will receive a voucher certificate, which will subsidise their use of care services from the service providers who participate in the scheme.

3. Voucher Certificate Quota

7000 voucher certificates

The number of voucher certificates increased by 1000 to a total of 8000

4. Service Cost

  • For 2020-2021, the care packages offered under the CCSV scheme valued at $9,870, $8,380, $7,460, $5,970, and $4,130 per month
  • Seniors will have to pay a part of the service fee based on the level of co-payment they are on

  • CCSV packages now priced between $4130 and $9870. Seniors may select services within the CCSV package range only
  • Seniors are required to pay a portion of the total price based on their co-payment category, with the levels being 5%, 8%, 12%, 16%, 25% and 40%
  • If a private health care service package is valued at $4130, and the senior’s co-payment level is 5%, then the senior will only have to pay $205 per month

* Voucher certificate holders may reach out to service providers for assistance and apply for a reassessment of their co-payment level if necessary.

5. Service Scope

Home care services include: 

  • Speech therapy 
  • Nursing support
  • Hospital outpatient and discharge escort services
  • One-on-one care
  • Physiotherapy
  • Meal delivery services
  • House cleaning services
  • Home safety assessment and feedback
  • Cognitive training
  • Caregiver training 

Elderly day-care services include: 

  • Accommodation 
  • Day-care service
  • Pickup services to and from the centre 

CCSV services will continue as per Phase 2, and now include soft meal provision for elders with swallowing issues.

6. What service units will I be able to choose from?

Participants may select from any of the 179 recognised service providers on the scheme

  • Number of recognised service providers increased by 50, to a total of 229
  • This includes around 3800 day care service quotas;around 10500 home care service quotas

7. What happens after I select an organisation?

After selecting a service, the provider will help voucher holders choose an appropriate package for their needs and confirm pricing and co-payment arrangement. Seniors may confirm or adjust their mode of service, service package and payment every month.

8. Will the launch of Phase 3 affect holders of Phase 2 voucher certificates?

No. Phase 2 holders of the CCSV voucher will automatically be included in Phase 3, and may continue to use new and old services.

9. Will my participation in the CCSV scheme affect my position on the Central Waiting List?


After receiving the voucher certificate, participants will not be removed from the Central Waiting List. Instead, the SWD will categorise them as an “inactive case”. When participating in the scheme, and if the senior citizen wishes, a social worker can help change the case status from “inactive” to “active.” Their waitlisting positions will follow the original application dates.

10. When can I use my voucher certificate?

1st October, 2016 - 30th September, 2020

1st October, 2020 - 30th September, 2023

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