Can Diabetes Lead to Blindness? Find Out How You Can Prevent Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases among the elderly, making it a great concern for most families. As symptoms are difficult to notice at first, severe complications such as diabetic retinopathy, or blindness, can suddenly affect patients.


Understanding Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is also known as diabetic blindness, often found in patients with high blood sugar levels. While it seems diabetes and eyesight have little correlation, the effect diabetes have on blood and blood vessels means problems can occur in any part of the body, including the eyes. A lack of nutrients in the retina can be caused by a decrease in blood oxygen levels as a result of high blood sugar. It can also be du e to unnecessary substances such as fat being delivered to the eyes through blood vessels. This can lead to many problems in the eyes, and ultimately blindness.

How can I prevent and treat diabetic retinopathy?

There are three main ways to prevent diabetic retinopathy:

1. Take medication or inject insulin in a timely manner

In order to properly control your blood sugar levels , taking the right medication at the right time is key.

Injecting insulin requires practice . Whether it is the location of the injection, how your hand is positioned, or how you clean up afterwards, this task should be performed with caution. Incorrect methods of injection can minimise the effe ct of lowering blood sugar and lead to lipohypertrophy. It is recommended that patients seek the help of professionals to inject insulin , especially when the diagnosis is new and patients are unfamiliar with injection methods.  

2. Maintain a balanced diet

Following some basic rules to diet management is key to controlling the effects of the disease, such as minimising th e consumption of sugary and processed foods, and increasing consumption of foods high in fibre.

With this in mind, it is important to also understand that the expression of diabetes is different from patient to patient . Even though there are many free diabetes-friendly meal plans and recipes on the internet, they are not suitable for everyon e. It is recommended that patients seek the expertise of dieticians who help clients set a meal plan and adapt this plan regularly. The patient’s blood sugar levels exhibit different reactions to different types of food. They can also provide nutrition information and glycemic index of various food items.

Achieve noticeable reductions in blood sugar levels with food. Download our diabetes diet guide below !

3. Do regular eye check-ups

Regular eye check-ups should be done at the ophthalmologist’s recommendation. If signs of diabetic retinopathy are discovered early, steps can be taken to prevent further damage to the eye. If the patient is diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy, undergoing surgery as soon as possible is crucial. Ophthalmologists mainly opt for vitreous removal surgery, retinal surgery or laser treatment based on the patient’s condition. The goal is to restore the patient’s eyesight completely.

Diabetic retinopathy has an extensive impact on a patient’s life. The best way to prevent this is to develop healthy eating habits, which contribute to an overall healthy lifestyle, lowering the risk of diabetes entirely.

Source: 糖尿病性視網膜病變指引
Feature image: Optical88

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