Is Bloating Becoming an Issue? Here Are 6 Ways to Fix the Problem

Why do I always feel bloated? What am I doing wrong? Read on to find out how excessive stomach gas is made, and discover a few natural remedies to help your stomach feel better.


Is stomach gas normal?

Gas is naturally produced during digestion. Excessive gas occurs more often than we think, and our body is generally able to release it in various ways. When our body is not able to release excessive gas it gets trapped and can result in many long hours of pain and discomfort.

What causes excessive stomach gas?

There are a number of reasons behind having excessive gas. From genetics to lifestyle choices, below are the most common reasons:

  • Food choices
    Consumption of soy products, alcohol, potato, fermented food products like bread and some fruits like apples and watermelons. Adjusting eating habits to avoid some of these foods can lead to a remarked improvement in digestive health.

  • Stomach diseases and conditions
    Excessive gas is a symptom of many stomach diseases and conditions, such as stomach ulcers, acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome.

  • Lifestyle choices
    Different lifestyle habits may lead to excessive stomach gas being produced. Individuals with highly stressful and busy lives are prone to stomach pains, with reasons listed below.


Evercare's registered nurses and nutritionists can provide at home dietary assessments and assist elderlies with

formulating a diet plan to alleviate stomach problems. If your family member requires at home guidance, call 3905 4000 to start finding a caregiver.

Are you prone to excessive stomach gas?

1. How is patience linked to excessive gas?

Being impatient is linked with excessive gas: those with little patience tend to chew their food less frequently, making the pieces of food harder to digest and affecting overall digestion and gut health. Eating fast also leads to over-eating, which is often the cause of excessive gas. Dieticians generally recommend 15 chews per mouthful of food, which allows the brain enough time to process the feeling of being full.

2. Individuals with allergies

Allergies can be a cause of excessive gas production, as some allergies lead to blocked nose and difficulties breathing. This forces individuals to breathe through their mouths. Targeting allergies with medication and paying attention to breath is key to reducing excessive gas in these situations. Consuming foods and drinks that soothe the respiratory system can also be helpful.

3. Lactose intolerant people

Lactose intolerance is generally caused by a very sensitive digestive system – which is prone to excessive gas and gas build ups. Lactose is generally processed to become lactic acid, promoting intestinal movement. However, those with a sensitive gut will feel an aggressive build up, leading to symptoms such as pain, discomfort, and bleeding.

Foods such as ginger, pineapple, rice soup and barley porridge are all effective in expelling stomach gas, and are all lactose-free. Oily, salty and spicy foods are harsh on the digestive system and can be avoided to reduce discomfort and pain.

4. Individuals with a busy lifestyle

Busy lifestyles tend to lack structure in schedules and meals. Skipping or delaying meals, multitasking whilst eating or “eating on the go” all lead to our digestive system losing its rhythm, and may affect gut health in the long run. A regular meal schedule can help improve our digestive system not only by taking the time to eat and chew, but also by making sure enough nutrients are consumed.

5. Individuals with a lot of stress

Stress can lead to: increased nervousness, heart rate, blood pressure and muscle tension, which all contribute to slower bowel movement. Gas therefore remains in the bowels and leads to bloating. It is recommended that individuals under a lot of pressure take some time to focus on their mental wellbeing, such as taking a short walk or light exercises – which not only reduces stress but also improves digestive health.

6. The elderly and constipation prone individuals

Our digestive system tends to slow down with age, making excessive gas a common discomfort for the elderly. A simple regular meal schedule coupled with light exercise can work wonders on the digestive system, and is highly recommended. This is especially recommended for those who are retired and have more free time.

If individuals suffer from constipation, water, fibre and lighter foods are highly recommended to help ease the problem . Zucchini, tomatoes, carrots, eggplants and ginger are great ingredients to incorporate into a diet. A proper diet, along with a comprehensive care plan could help tackle long-term digestive problems.

Evercare's care professionals are highly trained to provide professional dietary and medical guidance for elderlies, learn more about how our private nursing and home care services can help your loved ones age comfortably.

Sources: Sky Post ,  kknews.cc (article 1) ,  kknews.cc (article 2)

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